Does this sound familiar? I found myself saying this last week so it’s a good time to anticipate that at some point you may be feeling this way, or have you already said 'I'm too tired to exercise'? The desire to give yourself the best chance of conception and set routines for a healthy pregnancy and baby may be all the motivation you may need to get moving but some days this can be a challenge. Some tips here may help you find that extra incentive! What Physical Activity Makes you Feel Good?This could be an interval session with some high intensity exercise, a Pilates session that really challenges your core or a quick walk outdoors among fresh air and greenery. It is so rare not to feel better after some exercise so when I feel tired and just want to sit down rather than get moving I go straight to my inner monologue that reminds me how good I feel afterwards. Exercising is like an instant mood lift – even if it’s a quick lounge room strength workout you will almost always feel better for doing something rather than nothing. Regular Exercise Actually Increases Energy and Reduces Fatigue.If you find yourself too tired this is when you really need to be exercising! The vitality boosting quality of exercise is why it is an effective component of treatment for conditions associated with fatigue such as cancer, where exercise improves fatigue, enhances sleep quality and even reduces depression. As you look forward, these benefits will also carry over to a healthy pregnancy. Women who resistance train experience less fatigue, better sleep quality and more energy during pregnancy. Fit in Your Workout First Thing. Resist hitting snooze and put on your workout gear as soon as your feet hit the floor out of bed. Do a quick lounge room workout, fit in your gym session or a walk before you start the rest of your day. YOU are incredibly important and looking after your physical and mental health will be a great asset on your fertility journey. Are you Getting Enough Sleep? While you are out hitting the pavement or doing some strength exercises contemplate WHY you may be feeling tired. We know that sleep is one of the most important tools for physical and psychological health. The amount of sleep we get impacts our production of hormones, how we regulate blood sugar and can also affect our weight.
It is not too much of a surprise then that missing out on quality sleep can also affect our fertility. Sleep disruption, or not getting enough sleep, can alter levels of reproductive hormones, affecting ovulation, endometrium receptivity and libido! Aim for 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep a night. A great excuse to hit the pillow early! Comments are closed.